Overdose can happen when:
- You mix drugs
- You do too much of one drug
- You are taking too many drugs at once
- After a period of time not doing drugs, you use the same amount as before you stopped
- You are not aware of what you used, or how much
Signs of overdose from stimulants
(i.e., cocaine, crystal meth, ecstasy, bennies, crank, ice, speed, uppers):
- Redness in the face
- Pain and numbness in the chest, arms, and neck
- Rapid breathing, eye movement, pale skin
- Hot to the touch
- Shortness of breath
- Nausea, sweating
- Increased heart rate
- Twitching
- Seizures
- Blue lips
- Shallow breathing
How to care for someone you think is experiencing an overdose from stimulants:
- Call 911 and give as much information as possible about substances used (if known)
- Clear space if seizing or convulsing
- Time seizures
- Apply cold towel or ice if burning up
- Check signs of heart attack (chest pain, numbness in the arm, neck or jaw)
- Check for breathing, if not breathing, perform CPR, if properly trained
- Put in recovery position. If you can’t, tilt body forward and keep airway open
Signs of stimulant overdose from depressants
(i.e., heroin, fentanyl, Oxycontin, alcohol, downers, barbiturates):
- Blue around the mouth
- Weak or absent pulse
- Passed out or unconscious
- Loss of bladder control
- Low body temperature
- Seizures
- Confusion
How to care for someone you think is experiencing an overdose from depressants:
- Call 911 and give as much information as possible about substances used (if known)
- Check breathing and pulse
- Keep person as alert as possible
- Be prepared to do CPR, if you have the proper training
- Put person in recovery position (turned on their side)
What NOT to do when dealing with any overdose:
- Avoid calling 911 for fear of getting in trouble
- Stick anything in the person’s mouth
- Restrain person if he/she is seizing
- Leave person unattended
- GIVE SOMEONE DRUGS TO COUNTERACT AN OVERDOSE (except Naloxone for opioid overdose)
Naloxone Program
Naloxone is a drug that can temporarily reverse an opioid overdose.