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Get Started

We are here to help. 

Give us a call. Our Intake staff will gather the necessary information, including your name, age, phone number, and details about your situation designed to help our team determine if our services are right for you and provide you with information about the programs we offer.

Call our Intake Department at:

905-841-7007 or 1-800-263-2288 ext. 322

Monday & Tuesday: 9am – 5pm |  Wednesday & Thursday: 9am – 7pm |  Friday: 9am – 4:30pm 

or complete the pre-intake form below to begin the process.

Pre-Intake Form

Is it okay to leave a voicemail message identifying that Addiction Services Central Ontario is calling you?(Required)
Please indicate the areas where you would like support(Required)
I would like to receive a call from your Intake department.(Required)
In filling out this form, I acknowledge that:(Required)