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Feedback Process

If you wish to send a compliment or have a complaint or concern, please complete our Feedback Form.

If you have a complaint or a concern, you may also call ASCO’s Ethics Hotline at 1-844-792-2278 or (647) 598-6732 or send an email to:

Addiction Services Central Ontario (ASCO) is committed to maintaining a high level of ethical standards in all areas of our operations. As part of good governance practices, we have established an independent and secure reporting program through which employees of the organization or members of the public may, in confidence and in anonymity, raise concerns including, but not limited to, safety and security, harassment and discrimination, theft and fraud, code of conduct compliance and other sensitive matters. Furthermore, the program also ensures that proper arrangements are in place to actively monitor and manage any concerns or issues raised.

ASCO believes in addressing all feedback in a timely manner. ASCO strives for excellence in client satisfaction and makes every effort to treat all feedback received promptly and courteously in order to address the issue. Feedback includes compliments, concerns and complaints. The feedback process uses a centralized reporting and follow-up process. The complaints addressed include, but are not limited to, all issues related to programs and service delivery.

Feedback Form

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