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At Addiction Services Central Ontario (ASCO), we work with our clients to create new understanding and awareness about substance use and/or gambling that will support change.

At ASCO, we focus on you and your recovery. We provide community treatment programs and group services to individuals who are 12 years of age and older, and their families. 

Our main office is located in Aurora, Ontario. We also have satellite offices, community withdrawal management clinics and Rapid Access to Addictions Medicine (RAAM) clinics located throughout York Region, North York and South Simcoe, serving thousands of individuals each year.

We embrace a holistic, biological, psychological, social and spiritual approach to addiction.  

ASCO uses a harm reduction approach in addiction treatment. This means that different strategies are used to help you cut back or stop using substances or gambling, with the goal of reducing the harms that they are causing in your life. 

Our services are free of charge, except for specialized programming. 

You are not in this alone. We promote a welcoming, safe environment, and our team of counsellors and other professionals are here to support you.

Let’s journey together.