Are You In Crisis?
We understand that sometimes your situation seems overwhelming and you need immediate help.
If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health or addictions related crisis, these resources are available around the clock:

York Region, North York & South Simcoe Community Crisis Response Service
For individuals who are experiencing a mental health crisis, and their family or friends, York Support Services Network offers the Community Crisis Response Service
Toll Free 1-855-310-COPE (2673) * (TTY) 1-866-323-7785
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and serving residents of York Region and South Simcoe.
If you don’t feel like talking to someone, YSSN also offers text and Live Chat crisis services. Both services are available every day from 7:00 a.m. to midnight. Text YSSN at 1-855-310-2673

Toronto Gerstein Crisis Centre
In crisis? Call (416) 929-5200
Crisis services include 24/7 telephone support, an in-person mobile crisis team, community support referrals, substance use crisis management, follow-up and access to short-term crisis beds for adults 16+ in the City of Toronto.

DURHAM Mental Health Services Crisis Response
Local 905-666-0483 * Toll Free 1-800-742-1890
Durham Mental Health Services offers a range of crisis supports to assist individuals who are experiencing a personal or situational crisis. Crisis services are free and confidential.
Telephone support is available toll free, 24 hours per day, to support the individual in crisis and/or their supports. A community visit by our mobile crisis team can be arranged to support the individual in their preferred environment. Follow-up support, including linkage and referral to other community supports, are also available.
Short-term stays in our Crisis Beds are available for individuals who are experiencing a crisis and are in need of individualized support in a safe, supportive setting away from their present situation.

BARRIE Crisis Services
If you are in crisis and would like to access Crisis beds then please call our 24/7 crisis line:
Local 705-728-5044 * Toll Free 1-888-893-8333 * TTY Services Available
Crisis Services offers 24 hour telephone support to assist individuals, community agencies, emergency services and family or friends, to work through resolution of identified issues and challenges. The team is comprised of mental health and addiction professionals, who are trained in suicide intervention, and can help stabilize pre and post-crisis, developing coping strategies and plans for ongoing mental health and addiction support and follow up.

PEEL DUFFERIN 24.7 Crisis Support
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call anytime.
Local 905-278-9036 * Toll Free 1-888-811-2222
Provide a timely and high-quality response to de-escalate, stabilize and support those in mental health and addiction crisis. The service is delivered in partnership with Peel Regional Police and the Ontario Provincial Police.