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Impaired Driving

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Back on Track is for people who have committed an impaired driving offence in Ontario. 

It is an educational program designed to help people separate drinking and other drug use from driving, and is required for individuals who have been convicted of an impaired driving offence or have had two or more roadside suspensions in the Warn Range (blood alcohol concentration between 0.05 and 0.08). 

There is a cost associated with this program.

What Does Back on Track Involve?

  • Assessment to determine whether you need to take the one-day or two-day workshop
  • One-day workshop covers myths and facts about alcohol and drugs, how they affect your driving, legal and personal consequences of impaired driving
  • Two-day workshop covers all of the information in the one-day workshop, plus information about why people use substances, ways to cut down, mood-stress anger management and healthy living
  • Six-month follow-up to assess your success in meeting your goals and reinforce the strategies to avoid drinking and driving

Where We Help:

ASCO currently delivers the Back on Track program virtually.

To Learn More

To learn more about the program and to register, contact the Ontario Remedial Measures Program for Impaired Drivers by calling: 1-888-814-5831 or visit: